Since 2008, Cerner Corporation and FRC Team #1730, Team Driven, have been proud to offer a premier off-season FIRST robotics event. This event is open to all high school robotics teams who wish to compete with their robots in a friendly, fun atmosphere. Space is limited, so sign up fast! The event will be held Friday and Saturday, October 18th and 19th at Lee’s Summit High School in Lee’s Summit. The matches will start at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and continue through Saturday afternoon and will offer both qualifying and elimination rounds. Teams will have an opportunity to play  on a FIRST CRESCENDO  playing field against other FRC teams. Each team will also be given at least a 9′ x 9′ pit with electrical power.

Load in to the facility will be open to teams on Friday, October 18th starting at 2:45 pm. Size and weight of robots will not be inspected. It is our hope that teams will adhere to spirit of the rules of FIRST CRESCENDO  (bring your gracious professionalism). We will make every effort to have the field ready to practice on before the 6pm matches start; but if not, please help your team members be understanding. In the event that there is practice time, a volunteer will be on hand near the field with a sign-up sheet. Robots will take the field in the order they appear on the sheet. Please don’t sign up until your robot is ready.

Family, friends and interested community members are encouraged to come to cheer on their team and learn more about competitive high school robotics.